Soul restoration.


I call my work “Soul Restoration Arts” because this restoration thing, which is more an enlivening of the soul (and since all of us have a soul), is the truest calling for an arts worker. And I use arts – plural – because I work in many formats of that huge, yet little, three-lettered word.

Soul is always present, of course. An activated soul connection – maybe a “restored” soul – is what brings balance, compassion, harmlessness, and kindness in life, resulting in more fruitful activity and demeanor on the world stage as well.

Beauty is key. When beauty is perceived, the soul is quickened – you’ll hear from her. Cultivating practices of acceptance, gratitude, humility, enjoyment and enthusiasm can bring us to the place of perceiving beauty whole-heartedly. Peace and timelessness then reign, removing all thoughts and the mode of “doing;” transporting us to a place of pure “being.”

Click on the drop-down menu to explore several of my multimedia projects.


Beauty is so powerful!
Beauty’s greatest strength is how it takes us right *slam dunk* into the now moment, how it takes our breath away, and takes us to where we truly need to be.

An example:

I’m talking, being analytical, yakking about some trivial problem to my friend when I suddenly HAVE TO STOP to hear that beautiful birdsong outside her window and I say OH O OH LISTEN TO THAT!
• I forget what I was talking about
• it no longer matters at all what I was talking about
I’m on an entirely different plane where all my blah blah blahs are just gone, irrelevant, vamoosed.

Moments later, I can’t retrieve them nor do I WANT to. I have been transported to what really entirely matters.

Storytelling is a very effective vehicle to wake up and transform us because it is beyond the rational, and resonates with our innate structure, the very same structure in nature itself. We humans are hard-wired into narrative. Rhythm causes entrainment; to get back into harmony with self/nature/universal law. Music is so powerful this way, and beauty in whatever expressive form that we create or even just witness.

In graduate school (2004-07) I created a project resulting in small handmade books where the words and visuals are equal expressive partners. I interviewed women I admired whose lives contained struggle and ultimate beauty.

Visit my YouTube channel for time- and motion-based artworks expressing these qualities.


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